Tuesday, August 15, 2006

phones in the bathroom

Twice now I have seen posts on friend's blogs relating how they were in the can at work. Not unusual to have to back out a steamer at the office, I say, done it myself many a time. However, these friends of mine told tales of overhearing co-workers having conversaiton on their (the co-workers) cell phone and also mentioned thier apprehension at flushing for fear of being rude.

I say to hell with the person on the phone. I hate it when I talk to people and they are in the can. I wouldn't stand in your bathroom at your home and talk while you are taking a leak or dropping duece. I think it's rude to be part of a phone conversation when the other person is making boat soap, and I don't do it to my friends.

So the next time you find yourself in that predicament, flush, flush, flush away!

Another thing that doesn't make sense; I heard a radio comercial for Walgreens pharmacy (spoken in english) bragging up the fact that if a costomer don't speak english, they can have their local pharmacist call another pharmacist that speaks their language. Think about it...

If you don't speak english, will the english spoken comercial mean anything to you? And second, how they be able to ask for the other pharmacist?

I hope the pharmacists don't take calls while they're in the can whipping up some septic fruits!

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