Tuesday, August 08, 2006

back yard

Since there is no more thrid row seat, I'd like to extend an invitation for friends to stop by Friday evening and enjoy a couple cold beers in my back yard. the garage will be open andthe stereo tuned to WNCX, and there might be a fire in the ring to go through some of the pear tree that I took down. I'll have some hi-life and maybe some natty light


Mr. Bebout said...

I will bring a full bladder.

Simply Minded said...

good thing I have two toilets?

Stacy Cane said...

I'm having dinner with my dad Friday evening. It is his birthday.

Stacy Cane said...

But it sounds like fun otherwise. We'll see how late dinner runs.

Simply Minded said...


Mr. Bebout said...

I will use the yard.
I don't know if I will bve allowed to come. I'll let you know.