Monday, July 10, 2006

fixt roof

as you can see, there was much going on at the new KNOB HQ. the roof, it don't leak no more. and with the nasty storms that blew though today i don't mind saying that I think I did a good job.

much thanks to the helpers, my brother, steph and the dave. without ya'll it wouldn't have been done as quick or as fun

not to mention my rad truck, it hauled all the crap without a care in cleveland.

now on to the rest of the interior stuff, and oh yeah, siding the dormers. not sure what to use, cedar or vinyl...


Mr. Bebout said...

I think thinly shaved roast beef would look nice for a time.

Simply Minded said...

it may, but probably won't hold up to the critters...

Mr. Bebout said...

How about corned beef? You know with the brine soak it may last longer.

Kristen said...

Where are the sweaty, shirtless pics?!

Stacy Cane said...


Simply Minded said...

i like the roast beef idea

i could post sweaty shirtless pix of me, would that do?

Kristen said...

How about a sweaty picture of you wearing a roast beef shirt?