Wednesday, July 12, 2006

bad truckstop chinese

work took me to ashatbula today to do an estimate.

i was reminded that the people in astraybula are the same as they ever were. Having worked in the cleveland area for that last 5 plus years, my reasons to visit bula have been nill, and then only to visit family really.

i saw more k cars and rusty grand ams with plastic windows than I have in a year out here. a girl with abnormally short arms and missing teeth gave me the stink eye, maybe because i was staring. a lady paused to finish a cigarette before going into the building i was looking at and i noticed she was fat, had a support bandage on one leg, was wearing slippers, had a biggie frosty in the other hand and dress that looked like a mu-mu.

ashtabula only has itself to blame for the recent stagnation it's been experiencing. ashtabula, the only city in the world, the WORLD, to have an elected city manager and the last one was named "augie" who hadn't graduated high school, and he won hands down then quit before his term was up. couldn't see that coming?

so on my way out of town, i realized at 2:40 i hadn't had my afternoon grub. i decided that magic dragon from flying j was the answer. not sure why, but i did. wish i hadn't.

so for $5.95 i had me some governor's chicken, fried rice and an egg roll with a big soda. the chinese was in a big styrofoam container. so irested the container on my chest, ate while driving at 70 mph with my knee and answering e-mails on the blackberry.

guess i was a little dummer when i left. that's dum, P R K, dum.


Mr. Bebout said...

Home sweet home?

Stacy Cane said...

I just ate some really nasty Gen. Tso's chicken from the Galleria food court. You don't have to go all the way to Bula to get bad chinese.

Mr. Bebout said...

I had Pad Tai @ the west side Johnny Mangos and it was great. It wasn't Chinese, but it was Asian. I missed Hung Too at my office for which I am not sad, althouhg it is not bad, but it is no Johnny Mangos

Simply Minded said...

funny, I had pad thai today too, also from Johnny Mango's. that's right, we had lunch today.