Friday, June 30, 2006

kristen is an idiot, wicked is a fine show

no offense kristen, but i thought it made for a snappy title

yup, went and saw Wicked tonight, great show. just the right amount of humor, nothing to campy or juvenile, several subtle jokes and play on words that were great. soe of the humor was reminiscent of the old warner brothers cartoons. there were hints of politocal messages in there too, nothing slamming the current administration with a broadway show.

many many thanks to little miss idiosincracy for the show.

the mac just anounced that it's 12:00, so I'm off to bed!


Anonymous said...

I told you! How hard did you laugh during "popular"? I hope you didn't have an understudy for Glinda, because that girl was awesome!

Kristen said...

Well I'm glad I could lend my name to such an inflammatory title.

Simply Minded said...

like i said kristen, no offense,